Sunday, January 01, 2006
a night with red
ei bloggers out there.... remember this: NEVER DRINK ALCOHOLIC DRINKS IF YOU ARE PROBLEMATIC.....coz i tell you, that is not an answer....
just this night, while we were having our (redhorse) drinking session a good friend happen to drink with us and he's problematic... and alcohol hit him!!!!!
a piece of advice, if you are burdened, especially with problems about the heart, if you find redhorse or any alcoholic drink the answer to your problems, damn you are on the wrong track! it's good to drink for the sake of bonding.... the atmosphere while in the session should be light... dramas have no room for that... well, that's one thing i've always thought of and now that it happened again, it will remain in my heart... at least there are other ways to release burden, right? we are born with lots of defense mechanisms to choose from...=p
this is how i should describe my new year's eve, actually dawn.... call redhorse a bestfriend, but he should not be there if you are sad...