Tuesday, February 06, 2007
feelings left untold
2:44 am, Feb 6, 2007.. that's what my date/time in my lappietoppie says... i slept from 6-9:30 pm, so no wonder i'm still awake this late... but the thing is, i am in emote-mode... whaaaah! yeah i know, i just published my blog entry, very positive about stuff, but i think, this time will be different... am i in a bipolar condition? mpd? nah! whatever, but i am just in the mood to write this down, i mean, to type it...

what happens when feelings are left untold? how heavy it will be to carry it for years? and worse to live with are the "what ifs"... i had one great experience of it, way back in high school.. as expected, a youthful infatuation, but i have this great appreciation towards one of my batchmates.. ever since 2nd year HS, i only have my eyes for him.. even after having a girlfriend the next year, i still feel something for him.. until we graduated high school, he's still whom i liked... not only until early college days that i was able to move on and realized how youthful it was... may be for others it was childish, but for me, it's not.. it was a special chunk in my HS life that made me smile... but the sad part is, i only smiled alone... maybe he doesn't know how i feel for him... i never told him in the first place. i could not even talk to him in person.. i have been admiring him but i have been keeping the feeling within me for so long..

in fact, months before graduation in HS, i imagined my self telling him.. at least before we part ways, i may be able to say.. but i do not know what happened to my tongue, after having intense preparation, that i just let our ways part with my feelings left hanging..

i moved on.. i'm still single but i am thankful to that incident for making me this way, no harsh feelings at all... but what makes me anxious is that i may be repeating the same mistake all over again... that thing affected me on how should i be accepting or denying my feelings toward one person.. actually, i am having a hard time, even to my self, acknowledging my feelings for one person.. there will be long periods of denial, then after finally figuring out that it is nothing serious, i go on... i am just worried that this time, since graduation is 2 months away, i may repeat the same mistake again... him, whom i have been admiring since 2nd year college (wow, is this a coincidence that on the 2nd year that i start admiring people for longest times), might be another high-school-guy-infatuation in my life, that i will just let our paths separate for real not letting him know that he has been special to me.. i am not expecting anything in return actually. the favor that i will get will only be the fact that i was able to express my feelings and let him know about it.. nothing serious anything i feel anymore. actually, it is something that i could laugh about...but i just wish before i say goodbye to UP days, i may be able to tell him. at least when i transfer to another school i will have no regrets..

for me, i am not telling anyone if i already feel something for him is because of the weird feeling i may get whenever i meet the person, especially if he is a good friend.. but now, i am called to overcome my fears.. i really wish that i will be brave... at least for a day... i do not want to live with another chapter of my life with so many what ifs... maybe hiding what i really feel, leaving my past feelings left untold and just letting them to surpass without any effort of giving the signal to the person, is a reason why until now i do not know what i want when it comes to relationships.. i always have hang ups, the only difference is, i chose to be like that for not doing anything at all! if this is true, i know i should change my attitude right now, coz i do not want to spend another 5 years of med being coward and full of untold feelings..