Friday, June 06, 2008
the secret
June 6, 2008
1:41 am
At my room

Oh well oh well I’ve finished reading the book already… and a lot of points hit me, straight to my stomach! Haha! I should have read this book long time ago. I could have prevented my mistakes I have done in the past. Thanks to Nory and Jihan (she’s the owner of the book) for giving me the idea about this book. Should I call this the “secret” to a happier life.. ^_^

As what I have said, there are lots of points that hit me directly. Thoughts that I am very much guilty about. There are 8 steps given by Bro Bo, and as soon as step #1, I am guilty of a foul! I am not writing this blog to be a spoiler or re-state the ideas from the book, but rather to share out there the things I have learned in finding the “one true love”. Mentioning Bro Bo and

First thing I am guilty of: defining if I really wanted marriage or not! Darn! I know a part of me longs to have a family of my own someday, to have my simple dream wedding with the one I am ready to spend the rest of my life with. But then, on the rational thinking, I know that there are things that make me think that marriage is not for me. That I’d rather spend my life with someone even outside marriage. That marriage is just a piece of contract that could have placed me in a trap for the rest of my life. I may be like some characters in the story who are victims of the past or traumatized by the experiences she witnessed with her own parents. I admit there are things that my mom and dad experienced with each other that I swear I would not want to happen to my own self that made me think that I would not marry.

Then I also remembered the character of Mark. Just a funny thought about it. Because Mark could not express his feelings for the girl he really likes. Such that on the perfect opportunity to show his feelings for her during Valentine’s Day by giving flowers made him MR NICE GUY by all his FRIENDS… It turned out that he also gave flowers to all his “girl” friends, leaving that girl he really have special feelings for unaware of it. *ahem* same with me.. when I like a guy, I could not show any “more than friend” treatment. Hahah… you figured it out, I know!

Anyway, another important thing I learned is that: “the first move is not to search for MR RIGHT.. but to become MS RIGHT”… yeah.. I just realized that I still have lots of things to fix on my self, on my life. If I could not make these things right, then how can I be right for someone else? I am facing lots of issues and am longing to learn a lot of things. My family just moved out of the country a few months ago, and I admit, even though I may appear as independent woman to many people, but being alone literally is quite a big adjustment for me. I should learn how to take good care of my things well, more importantly is to take good care of my finances. I am just starting to adjust my lifestyle, starting to learn how to save (I admit this one is my current struggle), to spend wisely, and to use my money for good purposes. Though I only receive enough from my parents to meet my basic needs, but one day during this vacation, I had a thought of “what ifs”.. What if during emergency expenses arrive, where should I get my money? There I came to the point of learning how to save! But still I could not! Hopefully soon I will be able to adjust and learn!

What else? Ummmm… knowing how to take responsibilities is a very critical stage. What’s more important is knowing what are my responsibilities, what are my callings in life? Right from the start of my medicine life, I knew that God placed me on this field. He already revealed me that I could render my service by becoming a doctor. No questions about that, coz if there were, I would not be here in the first place! But I came to ask my self, what could have been the other plans He has for me? Then I placed my self on the shoes of Bro Bo, on discerning if should I get married or remain a single doctor who is of service to those in need (this sound sooo mellow-dramatic! Ewww, not-sooo-me! Haha!)… but then I would go back to my first point: to know if I really want to get married or not!

A big part of me would say yes. But as long as the doubts and fears are there, it would be hard for me to get my answer. Another thing I learned: never make decisions when you are in desolation or consolation. Rather, make decisions when you are at the most peaceful state, to ensure that you are making a decision that you would not regret or would not blame on anyone or anything if you failed.

There are lots of points in this book. All I know is that the book made my life happier! And set me free from the hang ups of the past. Now I can really say, I have decided to set my feelings for micko free! Funny that upon reading this book, I realized how immature I am. It was quite a long process that started way way back, and I can say and I am getting near the end of the process of moving on. And it made me feel better! Some of my friends would have not believed me, but well, I congratulate my self, coz it’s for real! I have already escaped from the world of fictions that there is a micko to wait for! Haha! As of the moment, I am doing my very best to fix my life, expand my network, gain friends, and meet good guys. I also learned not to be judgmental as long as the purpose is just to meet them.

I highly recommend this book. For singles out there, the book “How to Find Your One True Love” by Bo Sanchez could have been waiting for you. Ladies like me, I’m sure you’ll learn a lot. And for guys out there, I also recommend the book for you to read. It also applies to you!

my present status as is not in search for romance.. instead i am trying to build my self the way i wanted to be.. and who knows somewhere along the process, i'll stumble to that mr right..


MOOD: happier than being happy! ^_^