Tuesday, July 17, 2007
fruit of labor
i would love to share an inspiring thing that happened to me this day...

well, the real thing is that I AM INSPIRED TO GIVE MY BEST IN THE WORLD THAT I BELONG... i kept asking my friends who already have their respective jobs about how is it in the REAL WORLD... i did not realize in fact i, myself, is in the REAL WORLD.. i used to think that the real world involves people who are free from studying, earning their own money, not asking allowance from parents.. but hey... i am in this real world only in a different orientation..

thank you Kris for telling me those things... i believe that God has a purpose why of all the people i'll see at the OUR, it was you.. just talking to you over lunch was very fruitful.... i finally gained my confidence, and begin to accept the reality of what i am doing right now.. i learned that i should not have a mind set.. like "because i hate memory that's why i fail anatomy..." or that "i'm more on critical thinking and application and not just storing information in my head.." something like that... coz these mind sets give me reason to be lax and be contented with where i am today... i also realized that in achieving something, i have to give my best shot... and not just be contented in mediocrity..

for a while i lost my orientation.. i forgot who i was in the past years during college.. a very positive person who does not easily give up.. someone who is very goal oriented and would not stop until i achieve it and one who gives the best shot in things that she do..

so what's the next thing to do? that's it.. just always keep in mind that medicine is not just merely a school thing.. in every step that i will make as early as now, will totally affect my future.. i am lucky enough that i am here now, in the world that i always wanted.. there are some who were not given this chance... so why waste what i have now.. and of course, change my "nega" orientation.. instead of complaining in every failure i make, i will just be inspired to work harder, double or even triple my efforts.. and later, after all, the success that i will get in return tastes very very good...

and above all.. be confident in everything that i do.. coz i know, that aside from my own capabilties, i have my GOD who guides me all the way.... and knows what 's BEST for me...