Saturday, July 25, 2009
FIREPROOF... worth shedding tears... :)
i've been enjoying blogging movies that i've recently watched.. movies that made an impact on me..

well, the good thing about classes suspension is that i was able to watch the movie FIREPROOF.. it was late last night when a good friend of mine (JC) recommended to me this film.. she told me that i really is a good movie, and that i would really shed tears on this one.. i wasn't convinced.. but then i tried to download it, leaving my laptop open until 9am this morning, only to see a 0% downloading on torrent..

and then this night, after the Monday classes suspension announcement, i thought of loading the parts of the movie on youtube.. and watched it.. waaah, i really cried on the later part of the film.. it's really a heart-touching movie.. highly recommended.. TWO THUMBS UP!!!! ^^ ilove Caleb na!!! ihhihihi <3

fave lines:

When did i stop being good enough for him?

I'm also tired of feeling empty. (Ana) it's so nice to have someone treat you like you've being cared about...

If i haven't told you that you are a good man, you are... If I haven't told you that I've forgiven you, I have.. and if I haven't told you that I love you, I DO....... Isn't it too late to ask you to grow old with me? - Catherine to Caleb