Sunday, September 21, 2008
pressure-less life
it's a good thing that i got to chat to my brother.. i was kinda able to open up the toxicities i have right now.. perhaps the thing that bothers me most was a very significant topic of our conversation..

apparently, i have fears of passing clinical pathology.. i was like a year ago in my anatomy class wherein i have to struggle for my grade in order to pass 1st year... the big difference is, clin path is a semestral subject.. and that only this second shifting would be the last chance to struggle.. as if there should be no room for mistakes.. i really need to do good.. but what shall i do???

then i realized.. as what my brother told me.. not to pressure my self too much.. just study well.. easy to say may be.. i am even aware that the more i worry, the more chances of failing.. coz instead of concentrating on what i should be learning to pass, my concentration is deviated to the worries i have...

yeah.. next week is the week of struggles, not only for clin path, but for the rest of the subjects.. but well.. i'll make sure to make use of my time this week, wise enough, and prioritize things i need to prioritize.. hay.. life..

GOODLUCK to us all!!!!
--> still relaxed despite the toxicities and be able to achieve my goals...